Serialized Form

  • Package com.sun.javafx.event

  • Package com.sun.javafx.geom

    • Exception Class com.sun.javafx.geom.IllegalPathStateException

      class IllegalPathStateException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable
  • Package com.sun.javafx.geom.transform

    • Exception Class com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.NoninvertibleTransformException

      class NoninvertibleTransformException extends Exception implements Serializable
    • Exception Class com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.SingularMatrixException

      class SingularMatrixException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable
  • Package com.sun.javafx.stage

    • Class com.sun.javafx.stage.FocusUngrabEvent

      class FocusUngrabEvent extends Event implements Serializable
  • Package

  • Package javafx.concurrent

    • Class javafx.concurrent.WorkerStateEvent

      class WorkerStateEvent extends Event implements Serializable
  • Package javafx.event

  • Package javafx.scene.control

    • Class javafx.scene.control.CheckBoxTreeItem.TreeModificationEvent

      class TreeModificationEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • selectionChanged
          boolean selectionChanged
    • Class javafx.scene.control.DialogEvent

      class DialogEvent extends Event implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.control.ListView.EditEvent

      class EditEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • editIndex
          int editIndex
        • newValue
          T newValue
        • source
          javafx.scene.control.ListView<T> source
    • Class javafx.scene.control.ScrollToEvent

      class ScrollToEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • scrollTarget
          T scrollTarget
    • Class javafx.scene.control.SortEvent

      class SortEvent extends Event implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.control.TableColumn.CellEditEvent

      class CellEditEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • newValue
          T newValue
    • Class javafx.scene.control.TreeItem.TreeModificationEvent

      class TreeModificationEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • added
          List<? extends javafx.scene.control.TreeItem<T>> added
        • change
          ListChangeListener.Change<? extends javafx.scene.control.TreeItem<T>> change
        • newValue
          T newValue
        • removed
          List<? extends javafx.scene.control.TreeItem<T>> removed
        • wasCollapsed
          boolean wasCollapsed
        • wasExpanded
          boolean wasExpanded
        • wasPermutated
          boolean wasPermutated
    • Class javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn.CellEditEvent

      class CellEditEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • newValue
          T newValue
    • Class javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView.EditEvent

      class EditEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • newValue
          S newValue
        • oldValue
          S oldValue
        • source
          javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView<S> source
    • Class javafx.scene.control.TreeView.EditEvent

      class EditEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • newValue
          T newValue
        • oldValue
          T oldValue
        • source
          javafx.scene.control.TreeView<T> source
  • Package javafx.scene.input

    • Class javafx.scene.input.ClipboardContent

      class ClipboardContent extends HashMap<DataFormat,Object> implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.input.ContextMenuEvent

      class ContextMenuEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • keyboardTrigger
          boolean keyboardTrigger
          The boolean that indicates the event was triggered by a keyboard gesture.
        • pickResult
          PickResult pickResult
          Information about the pick if the picked Node is a Shape3D node and its pickOnBounds is false.
        • sceneX
          double sceneX
          Horizontal x position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the ContextMenuEvent's node.
        • sceneY
          double sceneY
          Vertical y position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the ContextMenuEvent's node.
        • screenX
          double screenX
          Absolute horizontal x position of the event.
        • screenY
          double screenY
          Absolute vertical y position of the event.
    • Class javafx.scene.input.DragEvent

      class DragEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • gestureSource
          Object gestureSource
        • gestureTarget
          Object gestureTarget
        • pickResult
          PickResult pickResult
          Information about the pick if the picked Node is a Shape3D node and its pickOnBounds is false.
        • sceneX
          double sceneX
          Horizontal x position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the DragEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the DragEvent's node.
        • sceneY
          double sceneY
          Vertical y position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the DragEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the DragEvent's node.
        • screenX
          double screenX
          Absolute horizontal x position of the event.
        • screenY
          double screenY
          Absolute vertical y position of the event.
        • state
          javafx.scene.input.DragEvent.State state
        • transferMode
          TransferMode transferMode
    • Class javafx.scene.input.GestureEvent

      class GestureEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • altDown
          boolean altDown
        • controlDown
          boolean controlDown
        • direct
          boolean direct
        • inertia
          boolean inertia
        • metaDown
          boolean metaDown
        • pickResult
          PickResult pickResult
          Information about the pick if the picked Node is a Shape3D node and its pickOnBounds is false.
        • sceneX
          double sceneX
        • sceneY
          double sceneY
        • screenX
          double screenX
        • screenY
          double screenY
        • shiftDown
          boolean shiftDown
    • Class javafx.scene.input.InputEvent

      class InputEvent extends Event implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.input.InputMethodEvent

      class InputMethodEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.input.InputMethodTextRun

      class InputMethodTextRun extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • highlight
          javafx.scene.input.InputMethodHighlight highlight
        • text
          String text
    • Class javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent

      class KeyEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • altDown
          boolean altDown
          Returns whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
        • character
          String character
          The Unicode character or sequence of characters associated with the key typed event. Contains multiple elements if the key produced a single Unicode character from outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane which needs to be encoded by the corresponding surrogate pair in Java or if the key produced multiple Unicode characters itself.

          For example, character will have the value "A" for a key typed event generated by pressing SHIFT + 'a'. For key pressed and key released events, character is always CHAR_UNDEFINED.

        • code
          KeyCode code
          The integer key code associated with the key in this key pressed or key released event. For key typed events, code is always KeyCode.UNDEFINED.
        • controlDown
          boolean controlDown
          Returns whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
        • metaDown
          boolean metaDown
          Returns whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
        • shiftDown
          boolean shiftDown
          Returns whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
        • text
          String text
          A String describing the key code, such as "HOME", "F1" or "A", for key pressed and key released events. For key typed events, text is always the empty string.
    • Class javafx.scene.input.MouseDragEvent

      class MouseDragEvent extends MouseEvent implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent

      class MouseEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • altDown
          boolean altDown
          Whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
        • button
          MouseButton button
          Which, if any, of the mouse buttons is responsible for this event.
        • clickCount
          int clickCount
          Number of mouse clicks associated with this event. All MOUSE_MOVED events have the clickCount value equal to 0. The value is increased with MOUSE_PRESSED event and stays like that for all subsequent events till MOUSE_RELEASED, including the afterwards generated MOUSE_CLICKED event. The value is increased to numbers higher than one if all the events between two subsequent presses happen on a small region and in a small time (according to native operating system configuration).
        • controlDown
          boolean controlDown
          Whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
        • flags
          javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent.Flags flags
        • metaDown
          boolean metaDown
          Whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
        • middleButtonDown
          boolean middleButtonDown
          true if middle button (button 2) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the button variable in that the button variable indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this variable indicates whether the middle button is depressed.
        • pickResult
          PickResult pickResult
          Information about the pick if the picked Node is a Shape3D node and its pickOnBounds is false.
        • popupTrigger
          boolean popupTrigger
          Whether or not this mouse event is the popup menu trigger event for the platform.

          Note: Popup menus are triggered differently on different systems. Therefore, popupTrigger should be checked in both onMousePressed and mouseReleased for proper cross-platform functionality.

        • primaryButtonDown
          boolean primaryButtonDown
          true if primary button (button 1, usually the left) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the button variable in that the button variable indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this variable indicates whether the primary button is depressed.
        • sceneX
          double sceneX
          Horizontal x position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the MouseEvent's node.
        • sceneY
          double sceneY
          Vertical y position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's node. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the MouseEvent's node.
        • screenX
          double screenX
          Absolute horizontal x position of the event.
        • screenY
          double screenY
          Absolute vertical y position of the event.
        • secondaryButtonDown
          boolean secondaryButtonDown
          true if secondary button (button 3, usually the right) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the button variable in that the button variable indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this variable indicates whether the primary button is depressed.
        • shiftDown
          boolean shiftDown
          Whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
        • stillSincePress
          boolean stillSincePress
          Whether the mouse cursor left the hysteresis region since the previous press.
        • synthesized
          boolean synthesized
    • Class javafx.scene.input.RotateEvent

      class RotateEvent extends GestureEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • angle
          double angle
        • totalAngle
          double totalAngle
    • Class javafx.scene.input.ScrollEvent

      class ScrollEvent extends GestureEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • deltaX
          double deltaX
        • deltaY
          double deltaY
        • multiplierX
          double multiplierX
        • multiplierY
          double multiplierY
        • textDeltaX
          double textDeltaX
        • textDeltaXUnits
          ScrollEvent.HorizontalTextScrollUnits textDeltaXUnits
        • textDeltaY
          double textDeltaY
        • textDeltaYUnits
          ScrollEvent.VerticalTextScrollUnits textDeltaYUnits
        • totalDeltaX
          double totalDeltaX
        • totalDeltaY
          double totalDeltaY
        • touchCount
          int touchCount
    • Class javafx.scene.input.SwipeEvent

      class SwipeEvent extends GestureEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • touchCount
          int touchCount
    • Class javafx.scene.input.TouchEvent

      class TouchEvent extends InputEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • altDown
          boolean altDown
          Whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
        • controlDown
          boolean controlDown
          Whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
        • eventSetId
          int eventSetId
        • metaDown
          boolean metaDown
          Whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
        • shiftDown
          boolean shiftDown
          Whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
        • touchPoint
          TouchPoint touchPoint
        • touchPoints
          List<TouchPoint> touchPoints
    • Class javafx.scene.input.TouchPoint

      class TouchPoint extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • grabbed
          EventTarget grabbed
        • id
          int id
        • pickResult
          PickResult pickResult
          Information about the pick if the picked Node is a Shape3D node and its pickOnBounds is false.
        • sceneX
          double sceneX
        • sceneY
          double sceneY
        • screenX
          double screenX
        • screenY
          double screenY
        • state
          TouchPoint.State state
    • Class javafx.scene.input.ZoomEvent

      class ZoomEvent extends GestureEvent implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • totalZoomFactor
          double totalZoomFactor
        • zoomFactor
          double zoomFactor
  • Package

    • Class

      class MediaErrorEvent extends Event implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • error
    • Exception Class

      class MediaException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • type
    • Class

      class MediaMarkerEvent extends ActionEvent implements Serializable
  • Package javafx.scene.transform

    • Exception Class javafx.scene.transform.NonInvertibleTransformException

      class NonInvertibleTransformException extends Exception implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.scene.transform.TransformChangedEvent

      class TransformChangedEvent extends Event implements Serializable
  • Package javafx.scene.web

  • Package javafx.stage

  • Package javafx.util

    • Class javafx.util.Duration

      class Duration extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • millis
          double millis
          The value of this duration, in fractional milliseconds
    • Class javafx.util.FXPermission

      class FXPermission extends BasicPermission implements Serializable
    • Class javafx.util.Pair

      class Pair extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • key
          K key
        • value
          V value