Class ContextMenuEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class ContextMenuEvent extends InputEvent
When the user requests a context menu, this event occurs. Context menus can be triggered by the mouse or the keyboard. The exact sequence of mouse or keyboard events that is used to request a menu is platform specific. For example, on Windows, Shift+F10 requests a context menu.

The event coordinates contain default position for the context menu. For mouse-triggered events it is the position of the mouse cursor, for keyboard-triggered events it is a point inside of bounds of current focus owner (which is the event's target).

JavaFX 2.1
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final EventType<ContextMenuEvent> CONTEXT_MENU_REQUESTED
      This event occurs when a context menu is requested.
    • ANY

      public static final EventType<ContextMenuEvent> ANY
      Common supertype for all context menu event types.
      JavaFX 8.0
  • Constructor Details

    • ContextMenuEvent

      public ContextMenuEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<ContextMenuEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean keyboardTrigger, PickResult pickResult)
      Constructs new ContextMenu event.
      source - the source of the event. Can be null.
      target - the target of the event. Can be null.
      eventType - The type of the event.
      x - The x with respect to the scene
      y - The y with respect to the scene
      screenX - The x coordinate relative to screen.
      screenY - The y coordinate relative to screen.
      keyboardTrigger - true if this event was triggered by keyboard.
      pickResult - pick result. Can be null, in this case a 2D pick result without any further values is constructed based on the scene coordinates and the target
      JavaFX 8.0
    • ContextMenuEvent

      public ContextMenuEvent(EventType<ContextMenuEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, boolean keyboardTrigger, PickResult pickResult)
      Constructs new ContextMenu event with empty source and target.
      eventType - The type of the event.
      x - The x with respect to the scene.
      y - The y with respect to the scene.
      screenX - The x coordinate relative to screen.
      screenY - The y coordinate relative to screen.
      keyboardTrigger - true if this event was triggered by keyboard.
      pickResult - pick result. Can be null, in this case a 2D pick result without any further values is constructed based on the scene coordinates
      JavaFX 8.0
  • Method Details

    • copyFor

      public ContextMenuEvent copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget)
      Fills the given event by this event's coordinates recomputed to the given source object
      copyFor in class Event
      newSource - Source object to compute coordinates for
      newTarget - the new target of the copied event
      newEvent - Event whose coordinates are to be filled
      the event copy with the new source and target
    • duplicate

      public Event duplicate()
      Description copied from class: Event
      Creates and returns a copy of this Event.
      duplicate in class Event
      a new instance of Event with all values copied from this Event.
    • getEventType

      public EventType<ContextMenuEvent> getEventType()
      Description copied from class: Event
      Gets the event type of this event. Objects of the same Event class can have different event types. These event types further specify what kind of event occurred.
      getEventType in class InputEvent
      the event type
    • isKeyboardTrigger

      public boolean isKeyboardTrigger()
      Determines whether this event originated from the keyboard.
      true if the event was caused by the keyboard
    • getX

      public final double getX()
      Horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the ContextMenuEvent's source. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent.
      horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the ContextMenuEvent's source.
    • getY

      public final double getY()
      Vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the ContextMenuEvent's source. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent.
      vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the ContextMenuEvent's source.
    • getZ

      public final double getZ()
      Depth position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      depth position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      JavaFX 8.0
    • getScreenX

      public final double getScreenX()
      Returns absolute horizontal position of the event. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent.
      absolute horizontal position of the event
    • getScreenY

      public final double getScreenY()
      Returns absolute vertical position of the event. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent.
      absolute vertical position of the event
    • getSceneX

      public final double getSceneX()
      Returns horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's source. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the ContextMenuEvent's node. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent. Note that in 3D scene, this represents the flat coordinates after applying the projection transformations.
      horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's source
    • getSceneY

      public final double getSceneY()
      Returns vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's source. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the ContextMenuEvent's node. For more information about this event's coordinate semantics please see the general description of ContextMenuEvent. Note that in 3D scene, this represents the flat coordinates after applying the projection transformations.
      vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the ContextMenuEvent's source
    • getPickResult

      public final PickResult getPickResult()
      Returns information about the pick.
      new PickResult object that contains information about the pick
      JavaFX 8.0
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this ContextMenuEvent object.
      toString in class EventObject
      a string representation of this ContextMenuEvent object.