Class MouseEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class MouseEvent extends InputEvent
When mouse event occurs, the top-most node under cursor is picked and the event is delivered to it through capturing and bubbling phases described at EventDispatcher.

The mouse (pointer's) location is available relative to several coordinate systems: x,y - relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's node, sceneX,sceneY - relative to to the origin of the Scene that contains the node, screenX,screenY - relative to origin of the screen that contains the mouse pointer.

Dragging gestures

There are three types of dragging gestures. They are all initiated by a mouse press event and terminated as a result of a mouse released event, the source node decides which gesture will take place.

The simple press-drag-release gesture is default. It's best used to allow changing size of a shape, dragging it around and so on. Whole press-drag-release gesture is delivered to one node. When mouse button is pressed, the top-most node is picked and all subsequent mouse events are delivered to the same node until the button is released. If a mouse clicked event is generated from these events, it is still delivered to the same node.

During simple press-drag-release gesture, the other nodes are not involved and don't get any events. If these nodes need to be involved in the gesture, full press-drag-release gesture has to be activated. This gesture is best used for connecting nodes by "wires", dragging nodes to other nodes etc. This gesture type is more closely described at MouseDragEvent which contains the events delivered to the gesture targets.

The third gesture type is platform-supported drag-and-drop gesture. It serves best to transfer data and works also between (not necessarily FX) applications. This gesture type is more closely described at DragEvent.

In a short summary, simple press-drag-release gesture is activated automatically when a mouse button is pressed and delivers all MouseEvents to the gesture source. When you start dragging, eventually the DRAG_DETECTED event arrives. In its handler you can either start full press-drag-release gesture by calling startFullDrag method on a node or scene - the MouseDragEvents start to be delivered to gesture targets, or you can start drag and drop gesture by calling startDragAndDrop method on a node or scene - the system switches into the drag and drop mode and DragEvents start to be delivered instead of MouseEvents. If you don't call any of those methods, the simple press-drag-release gesture continues.

Note that dragging a finger over touch screen produces mouse dragging events, but also scroll gesture events. If it means a conflict in an application (the physical dragging action is handled by two different handlers), the isSynthesized() method may be used to detect the problem and make the dragging handlers behave accordingly.

Mouse enter/exit handling

When mouse enters a node, the node gets MOUSE_ENTERED event, when it leaves, it gets MOUSE_EXITED event. These events are delivered only to the entered/exited node and seemingly don't go through the capturing/bubbling phases. This is the most common use-case.

When the capturing or bubbling is desired, there are MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET/MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET events. These events go through capturing/bubbling phases normally. This means that parent may receive the MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET event when mouse entered either the parent itself or some of its children. To distinguish between these two cases event target can be tested on equality with the node.

These two types are closely connected: MOUSE_ENTERED/MOUSE_EXITED are subtypes of MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET/MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET. During capturing phase, MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET is delivered to the parents. When the event is delivered to the event target (the node that has actually been entered), its type is switched to MOUSE_ENTERED. Then the type is switched back to MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET for the bubbling phase. It's still one event just switching types, so if it's filtered or consumed, it affects both event variants. Thanks to the subtype-relationship, a MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET event handler will receive the MOUSE_ENTERED event on target.


JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • ANY

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> ANY
      Common supertype for all mouse event types.

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_PRESSED
      This event occurs when mouse button is pressed. This activates a press-drag-release gesture, so all subsequent mouse events until the button is released are delivered to the same node.

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_RELEASED
      This event occurs when mouse button is released. It is delivered to the same node where the button has been pressed which activated a press-drag-release gesture.

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_CLICKED
      This event occurs when mouse button has been clicked (pressed and released on the same node). This event provides a button-like behavior to any node. Note that even long drags can generate click event (it is delivered to the top-most node on which the mouse was both pressed and released).

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET
      This event occurs when mouse enters a node. It's the bubbling variant, which is delivered also to all parents of the entered node (unless it was consumed). When notifications about mouse entering some of node's children are not desired, MOUSE_ENTERED event handler should be used.
      See Also:

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_ENTERED
      This event occurs when mouse enters a node. This event type is delivered only to the entered node, if parents want to filter it or get the bubbling event, they need to use MOUSE_ENTERED_TARGET.
      See Also:

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET
      This event occurs when mouse exits a node. It's the bubbling variant, which is delivered also to all parents of the exited node (unless it was consumed). When notifications about mouse exiting some of node's children are not desired, MOUSE_EXITED event handler should be used.
      See Also:

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_EXITED
      This event occurs when mouse exits a node. This event type is delivered only to the exited node, if parents want to filter it or get the bubbling event, they need to use MOUSE_EXITED_TARGET.
      See Also:

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_MOVED
      This event occurs when mouse moves within a node and no buttons are pressed. If any mouse button is pressed, MOUSE_DRAGGED event occurs instead.

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_DRAGGED
      This event occurs when mouse moves with a pressed button. It is delivered to the same node where the button has been pressed which activated a press-drag-release gesture. It is delivered regardless of the mouse being within bounds of the node.

      public static final EventType<MouseEvent> DRAG_DETECTED
      This event is delivered to a node that is identified as a source of a dragging gesture. Handler of this event is the only place where full press-drag-release gesture or a drag and drop gesture can be started (by calling
      invalid @link
      of startDragAndDrop() method). If none of them is called, simple press-drag-release gesture will continue.

      Note that his event is generated based on dragging the mouse over a platform-specific distance threshold. You can modify this behavior by calling setDragDetect method on any MOUSE_PRESSED or MOUSE_DRAGGED event.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MouseEvent

      public MouseEvent(EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
      Constructs new MouseEvent event with null source and target.
      eventType - The type of the event.
      x - The x with respect to the scene.
      y - The y with respect to the scene.
      screenX - The x coordinate relative to screen.
      screenY - The y coordinate relative to screen.
      button - the mouse button used
      clickCount - number of click counts
      shiftDown - true if shift modifier was pressed.
      controlDown - true if control modifier was pressed.
      altDown - true if alt modifier was pressed.
      metaDown - true if meta modifier was pressed.
      primaryButtonDown - true if primary button was pressed.
      middleButtonDown - true if middle button was pressed.
      secondaryButtonDown - true if secondary button was pressed.
      synthesized - if this event was synthesized
      popupTrigger - whether this event denotes a popup trigger for current platform
      stillSincePress - see isStillSincePress()
      pickResult - pick result. Can be null, in this case a 2D pick result without any further values is constructed based on the scene coordinates
      JavaFX 8.0
    • MouseEvent

      public MouseEvent(Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType, double x, double y, double screenX, double screenY, MouseButton button, int clickCount, boolean shiftDown, boolean controlDown, boolean altDown, boolean metaDown, boolean primaryButtonDown, boolean middleButtonDown, boolean secondaryButtonDown, boolean synthesized, boolean popupTrigger, boolean stillSincePress, PickResult pickResult)
      Constructs new MouseEvent event.
      source - the source of the event. Can be null.
      target - the target of the event. Can be null.
      eventType - The type of the event.
      x - The x with respect to the source. Should be in scene coordinates if source == null or source is not a Node.
      y - The y with respect to the source. Should be in scene coordinates if source == null or source is not a Node.
      screenX - The x coordinate relative to screen.
      screenY - The y coordinate relative to screen.
      button - the mouse button used
      clickCount - number of click counts
      shiftDown - true if shift modifier was pressed.
      controlDown - true if control modifier was pressed.
      altDown - true if alt modifier was pressed.
      metaDown - true if meta modifier was pressed.
      primaryButtonDown - true if primary button was pressed.
      middleButtonDown - true if middle button was pressed.
      secondaryButtonDown - true if secondary button was pressed.
      synthesized - if this event was synthesized
      popupTrigger - whether this event denotes a popup trigger for current platform
      stillSincePress - see isStillSincePress()
      pickResult - pick result. Can be null, in this case a 2D pick result without any further values is constructed based on the scene coordinates and target
      JavaFX 8.0
  • Method Details

    • getEventType

      public EventType<? extends MouseEvent> getEventType()
      Description copied from class: Event
      Gets the event type of this event. Objects of the same Event class can have different event types. These event types further specify what kind of event occurred.
      getEventType in class InputEvent
      the event type
    • copyFor

      public MouseEvent copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget)
      Copies this event for a different source and target. In most cases you don't need to use this method, it's called automatically when you fire the event.
      copyFor in class Event
      newSource - New event source
      newTarget - New event target
      copy of this event for a different source and target
    • copyFor

      public MouseEvent copyFor(Object newSource, EventTarget newTarget, EventType<? extends MouseEvent> eventType)
      Creates a copy of the given event with the given fields substituted.
      newSource - the new source of the copied event
      newTarget - the new target of the copied event
      eventType - the new eventType
      the event copy with the fields substituted
      JavaFX 8.0
    • duplicate

      public Event duplicate()
      Description copied from class: Event
      Creates and returns a copy of this Event.
      duplicate in class Event
      a new instance of Event with all values copied from this Event.
    • copyForMouseDragEvent

      public static MouseDragEvent copyForMouseDragEvent(MouseEvent e, Object source, EventTarget target, EventType<MouseDragEvent> type, Object gestureSource, PickResult pickResult)
      Creates a copy of this mouse event of MouseDragEvent type
      e - the mouse event to copy
      source - the new source of the copied event
      target - the new target of the copied event
      type - the new MouseDragEvent type
      gestureSource - the new source of the gesture
      pickResult - pick result. Can be null, in this case a 2D pick result without any further values is constructed based on the scene coordinates
      new MouseDragEvent that was created from MouseEvent
      JavaFX 8.0
    • isDragDetect

      public boolean isDragDetect()
      Determines whether this event will be followed by DRAG_DETECTED event. It has effect only with MOUSE_PRESSED and MOUSE_DRAGGED events.
      true if the DRAG_DETECTED event will follow
    • setDragDetect

      public void setDragDetect(boolean dragDetect)
      Augments drag detection behavior. The value says whether this event will be followed by DRAG_DETECTED event. It has effect only with MOUSE_PRESSED and MOUSE_DRAGGED events.
      dragDetect - Whether DRAG_DETECTED event will follow
    • getX

      public final double getX()
      Horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
    • getY

      public final double getY()
      Vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
    • getZ

      public final double getZ()
      Depth position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      depth position of the event relative to the origin of the MouseEvent's source.
      JavaFX 8.0
    • getScreenX

      public final double getScreenX()
      Returns absolute horizontal position of the event.
      absolute horizontal position of the event
    • getScreenY

      public final double getScreenY()
      Returns absolute vertical position of the event.
      absolute vertical position of the event
    • getSceneX

      public final double getSceneX()
      Returns horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's source. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the MouseEvent's node. Note that in 3D scene, this represents the flat coordinates after applying the projection transformations.
      horizontal position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's source
    • getSceneY

      public final double getSceneY()
      Returns vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's source. If the node is not in a Scene, then the value is relative to the boundsInParent of the root-most parent of the MouseEvent's node. Note that in 3D scene, this represents the flat coordinates after applying the projection transformations.
      vertical position of the event relative to the origin of the Scene that contains the MouseEvent's source
    • getButton

      public final MouseButton getButton()
      Which, if any, of the mouse buttons is responsible for this event.
      mouse button whose state change caused this event
    • getClickCount

      public final int getClickCount()
      Returns number of mouse clicks associated with this event. All MOUSE_MOVED events have the clickCount value equal to 0. The value is increased with MOUSE_PRESSED event and stays like that for all subsequent events till MOUSE_RELEASED, including the afterwards generated MOUSE_CLICKED event. The value is increased to numbers higher than one if all the events between two subsequent presses happen on a small region and in a small time (according to native operating system configuration).
      number of mouse clicks associated with this event
    • isStillSincePress

      public final boolean isStillSincePress()
      Indicates whether the mouse cursor stayed in the system-provided hysteresis area since last pressed event that occurred before this event.

      Click event is generated for a node if mouse was both pressed and released over the node, regardless of mouse movements between the press and release. If a node wants to react differently on a simple click and on a mouse drag, it should use a system-supplied short distance threshold to decide between click and drag (users often perform inadvertent tiny movements during a click). It can be easily achieved by ignoring all drags with this method returning true and ignoring all clicks with this method returning false.

      true if there were no significant mouse movements (out of system hysteresis area) since the last pressed event that occurred before this event.
    • isShiftDown

      public final boolean isShiftDown()
      Whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
      true if the Shift modifier is down on this event
    • isControlDown

      public final boolean isControlDown()
      Whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
      true if the Control modifier is down on this event
    • isAltDown

      public final boolean isAltDown()
      Whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
      true if the Alt modifier is down on this event
    • isMetaDown

      public final boolean isMetaDown()
      Whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
      true if the Meta modifier is down on this event
    • isSynthesized

      public boolean isSynthesized()
      Indicates whether this event is synthesized from using a touch screen instead of usual mouse event source devices like mouse or track pad. When a finger is dragged over a touch screen, both scrolling gesture and mouse dragging are produced. If it causes a conflict in an application, this flag can be used to tell apart the usual mouse dragging from the touch screen dragging already handled as scroll events.
      true if this event is synthesized from using a touch screen
      JavaFX 2.2
    • isPopupTrigger

      public final boolean isPopupTrigger()
      Returns true if this mouse event is the popup menu trigger event for the platform.

      Note: Popup menus are triggered differently on different systems. Therefore, popupTrigger should be checked in both onMousePressed and mouseReleased for proper cross-platform functionality.

      true if this mouse event is the popup menu trigger event for the platform
      JavaFX 8.0
    • isPrimaryButtonDown

      public final boolean isPrimaryButtonDown()
      Returns true if primary button (button 1, usually the left) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the getButton() method that indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this method indicates whether the primary button is depressed.
      true if primary button (button 1, usually the left) is currently pressed
    • isSecondaryButtonDown

      public final boolean isSecondaryButtonDown()
      Returns true if secondary button (button 1, usually the right) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the getButton() method that indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this method indicates whether the secondary button is depressed.
      true if secondary button (button 3, usually the right) is currently pressed
    • isMiddleButtonDown

      public final boolean isMiddleButtonDown()
      Returns true if middle button (button 2) is currently pressed. Note that this is different from the getButton() method that indicates which button press was responsible for this event while this method indicates whether the middle button is depressed.
      true if middle button (button 2) is currently pressed
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this MouseEvent object.
      toString in class EventObject
      a string representation of this MouseEvent object.
    • getPickResult

      public final PickResult getPickResult()
      Returns information about the pick.
      new PickResult object that contains information about the pick
      JavaFX 8.0