Class SkinBase<C extends Control>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BehaviorSkinBase, FxControlPeerSkin, ProgressIndicatorSkin, SeparatorSkin, SplitPaneSkin

public abstract class SkinBase<C extends Control> extends Object implements Skin<C>
Base implementation class for defining the visual representation of user interface controls by defining a scene graph of nodes to represent the skin. A user interface control is abstracted behind the Skinnable interface.
JavaFX 8.0
  • Constructor Summary

    SkinBase(C control)
    Constructor for all SkinBase instances.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected double
    computeBaselineOffset(double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Calculates the baseline offset based on the first managed child.
    protected double
    computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Computes the maximum allowable height of the Skin, based on the provided width.
    protected double
    computeMaxWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Computes the maximum allowable width of the Skin, based on the provided height.
    protected double
    computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Computes the minimum allowable height of the Skin, based on the provided width.
    protected double
    computeMinWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Computes the minimum allowable width of the Skin, based on the provided height.
    protected double
    computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Calculates the preferred height of this SkinBase.
    protected double
    computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
    Calculates the preferred width of this SkinBase.
    protected final void
    consumeMouseEvents(boolean value)
    Determines whether all mouse events should be automatically consumed.
    Called by a Skinnable when the Skin is replaced on the Skinnable.
    Returns the children of the skin.
    final Node
    Gets the Node which represents this Skin.
    final C
    Gets the Skinnable to which this Skin is assigned.
    protected void
    layoutChildren(double contentX, double contentY, double contentWidth, double contentHeight)
    Called during the layout pass of the scenegraph.
    protected void
    layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
    Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.
    protected void
    layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, boolean fillWidth, boolean fillHeight, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
    Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.
    protected void
    layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
    Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.
    protected void
    positionInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
    Utility method which positions the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.
    protected void
    positionInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
    Utility method which positions the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.
    protected final void
    Subclasses can invoke this method to register that they want to listen to property change events for the given property.
    protected double
    Utility method to get the bottom inset which includes padding and border inset.
    protected double
    Utility method to get the left inset which includes padding and border inset.
    protected double
    Utility method to get the right inset which includes padding and border inset.
    protected double
    Utility method to get the top inset which includes padding and border inset.
    protected double
    snapPosition(double value)
    If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value rounded to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
    protected double
    snapSize(double value)
    If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value ceiled to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
    protected double
    snapSizeX(double value)
    Convenience method for accessing the snapSizeX() method on the skinnable.
    protected double
    snapSizeY(double value)
    Convenience method for accessing the snapSizeY() method on the skinnable.
    protected double
    snapSpace(double value)
    If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value rounded to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
    protected double
    snapSpaceX(double value)
    Convenience method for accessing the snapSpaceX() method on the skinnable.
    protected double
    snapSpaceY(double value)
    Convenience method for accessing the snapSpaceY() method on the skinnable.
    protected final Consumer<ObservableValue<?>>
    Unregisters all change listeners that have been registered using registerChangeListener(ObservableValue, Consumer) for the given property.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SkinBase

      protected SkinBase(C control)
      Constructor for all SkinBase instances.
      control - The control for which this Skin should attach to.
  • Method Details

    • getSkinnable

      public final C getSkinnable()
      Gets the Skinnable to which this Skin is assigned. A Skin must be created for one and only one Skinnable. This value will only ever go from a non-null to null value when the Skin is removed from the Skinnable, and only as a consequence of a call to Skin.dispose().

      The caller who constructs a Skinnable must also construct a Skin and properly establish the relationship between the Control and its Skin.

      Specified by:
      getSkinnable in interface Skin<C extends Control>
      A non-null Skinnable, or null value if disposed.
    • getNode

      public final Node getNode()
      Gets the Node which represents this Skin. This must never be null, except after a call to Skin.dispose(), and must never change except when changing to null.
      Specified by:
      getNode in interface Skin<C extends Control>
      A non-null Node, except when the Skin has been disposed.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Called by a Skinnable when the Skin is replaced on the Skinnable. This method allows a Skin to implement any logic necessary to clean up itself after the Skin is no longer needed. It may be used to release native resources. The methods Skin.getSkinnable() and Skin.getNode() should return null following a call to dispose. Calling dispose twice has no effect.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface Skin<C extends Control>
    • getChildren

      public final ObservableList<Node> getChildren()
      Returns the children of the skin.
    • layoutChildren

      protected void layoutChildren(double contentX, double contentY, double contentWidth, double contentHeight)
      Called during the layout pass of the scenegraph.
    • consumeMouseEvents

      protected final void consumeMouseEvents(boolean value)
      Determines whether all mouse events should be automatically consumed.
    • registerChangeListener

      protected final void registerChangeListener(ObservableValue<?> property, Consumer<ObservableValue<?>> consumer)
      Subclasses can invoke this method to register that they want to listen to property change events for the given property. Registered Consumer instances will be executed in the order in which they are registered.
      property - the property
      consumer - the consumer
    • unregisterChangeListeners

      protected final Consumer<ObservableValue<?>> unregisterChangeListeners(ObservableValue<?> property)
      Unregisters all change listeners that have been registered using registerChangeListener(ObservableValue, Consumer) for the given property. The end result is that the given property is no longer observed by any of the change listeners, but it may still have additional listeners registered on it through means outside of registerChangeListener(ObservableValue, Consumer).
      property - The property for which all listeners should be removed.
      A single chained Consumer consisting of all consumers registered through registerChangeListener(ObservableValue, Consumer). If no consumers have been registered on this property, null will be returned.
    • computeMinWidth

      protected double computeMinWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Computes the minimum allowable width of the Skin, based on the provided height.
      height - The height of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the minimum width.
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      A double representing the minimum width of this Skin.
    • computeMinHeight

      protected double computeMinHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Computes the minimum allowable height of the Skin, based on the provided width.
      width - The width of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the minimum height.
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      A double representing the minimum height of this Skin.
    • computeMaxWidth

      protected double computeMaxWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Computes the maximum allowable width of the Skin, based on the provided height.
      height - The height of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the maximum width.
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      A double representing the maximum width of this Skin.
    • computeMaxHeight

      protected double computeMaxHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Computes the maximum allowable height of the Skin, based on the provided width.
      width - The width of the Skin, in case this value might dictate the maximum height.
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      A double representing the maximum height of this Skin.
    • computePrefWidth

      protected double computePrefWidth(double height, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Calculates the preferred width of this SkinBase. The default implementation calculates this width as the width of the area occupied by its managed children when they are positioned at their current positions at their preferred widths.
      height - the height that should be used if preferred width depends on it
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      the calculated preferred width
    • computePrefHeight

      protected double computePrefHeight(double width, double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Calculates the preferred height of this SkinBase. The default implementation calculates this height as the height of the area occupied by its managed children when they are positioned at their current positions at their preferred heights.
      width - the width that should be used if preferred height depends on it
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      the calculated preferred height
    • computeBaselineOffset

      protected double computeBaselineOffset(double topInset, double rightInset, double bottomInset, double leftInset)
      Calculates the baseline offset based on the first managed child. If there is no such child, returns INode.getBaselineOffset().
      topInset - the pixel snapped top inset
      rightInset - the pixel snapped right inset
      bottomInset - the pixel snapped bottom inset
      leftInset - the pixel snapped left inset
      baseline offset
    • snappedTopInset

      protected double snappedTopInset()
      Utility method to get the top inset which includes padding and border inset. Then snapped to whole pixels if getSkinnable().isSnapToPixel() is true.
      Rounded up insets top
    • snappedBottomInset

      protected double snappedBottomInset()
      Utility method to get the bottom inset which includes padding and border inset. Then snapped to whole pixels if getSkinnable().isSnapToPixel() is true.
      Rounded up insets bottom
    • snappedLeftInset

      protected double snappedLeftInset()
      Utility method to get the left inset which includes padding and border inset. Then snapped to whole pixels if getSkinnable().isSnapToPixel() is true.
      Rounded up insets left
    • snappedRightInset

      protected double snappedRightInset()
      Utility method to get the right inset which includes padding and border inset. Then snapped to whole pixels if getSkinnable().isSnapToPixel() is true.
      Rounded up insets right
    • snapSpace

      protected double snapSpace(double value)
      If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value rounded to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
      value - the space value to be snapped
      value rounded to nearest pixel
    • snapSpaceX

      protected double snapSpaceX(double value)
      Convenience method for accessing the snapSpaceX() method on the skinnable. It is equivalent to calling getSkinnable().snapSpaceX(value).
      value - the space value to be snapped
      value rounded to nearest pixel
      See Also:
    • snapSpaceY

      protected double snapSpaceY(double value)
      Convenience method for accessing the snapSpaceY() method on the skinnable. It is equivalent to calling getSkinnable().snapSpaceY(value).
      value - the space value to be snapped
      value rounded to nearest pixel
      See Also:
    • snapSize

      protected double snapSize(double value)
      If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value ceiled to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
      value - the size value to be snapped
      value ceiled to nearest pixel
    • snapSizeX

      protected double snapSizeX(double value)
      Convenience method for accessing the snapSizeX() method on the skinnable. It is equivalent to calling getSkinnable().snapSizeX(value).
      value - the size value to be snapped
      value ceiled to nearest pixel
      See Also:
    • snapSizeY

      protected double snapSizeY(double value)
      Convenience method for accessing the snapSizeY() method on the skinnable. It is equivalent to calling getSkinnable().snapSizeY(value).
      value - the size value to be snapped
      value ceiled to nearest pixel
      See Also:
    • snapPosition

      protected double snapPosition(double value)
      If this region's snapToPixel property is true, returns a value rounded to the nearest pixel, else returns the same value.
      value - the position value to be snapped
      value rounded to nearest pixel
    • positionInArea

      protected void positionInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
      Utility method which positions the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.

      This function does not resize the node and uses the node's layout bounds width and height to determine how it should be positioned within the area.

      If the vertical alignment is VPos.BASELINE then it will position the node so that its own baseline aligns with the passed in baselineOffset, otherwise the baseline parameter is ignored.

      If snapToPixel is true for this skin, then the x/y position values will be rounded to their nearest pixel boundaries.

      child - the child being positioned within this skin
      areaX - the horizontal offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaY - the vertical offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaWidth - the width of the layout area
      areaHeight - the height of the layout area
      areaBaselineOffset - the baseline offset to be used if VPos is BASELINE
      halignment - the horizontal alignment for the child within the area
      valignment - the vertical alignment for the child within the area
    • positionInArea

      protected void positionInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
      Utility method which positions the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.

      This function does not resize the node and uses the node's layout bounds width and height to determine how it should be positioned within the area.

      If the vertical alignment is VPos.BASELINE then it will position the node so that its own baseline aligns with the passed in baselineOffset, otherwise the baseline parameter is ignored.

      If snapToPixel is true for this skin, then the x/y position values will be rounded to their nearest pixel boundaries.

      If margin is non-null, then that space will be allocated around the child within the layout area. margin may be null.

      child - the child being positioned within this skin
      areaX - the horizontal offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaY - the vertical offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaWidth - the width of the layout area
      areaHeight - the height of the layout area
      areaBaselineOffset - the baseline offset to be used if VPos is BASELINE
      margin - the margin of space to be allocated around the child
      halignment - the horizontal alignment for the child within the area
      valignment - the vertical alignment for the child within the area
      JavaFX 8.0
    • layoutInArea

      protected void layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
      Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.

      If the child is resizable, this method will resize it to fill the specified area unless the node's maximum size prevents it. If the node's maximum size preference is less than the area size, the maximum size will be used. If node's maximum is greater than the area size, then the node will be resized to fit within the area, unless its minimum size prevents it.

      If the child has a non-null contentBias, then this method will use it when resizing the child. If the contentBias is horizontal, it will set its width first to the area's width (up to the child's max width limit) and then pass that value to compute the child's height. If child's contentBias is vertical, then it will set its height to the area height (up to child's max height limit) and pass that height to compute the child's width. If the child's contentBias is null, then it's width and height have no dependencies on each other.

      If the child is not resizable (Shape, Group, etc) then it will only be positioned and not resized.

      If the child's resulting size differs from the area's size (either because it was not resizable or it's sizing preferences prevented it), then this function will align the node relative to the area using horizontal and vertical alignment values. If valignment is VPos.BASELINE then the node's baseline will be aligned with the area baseline offset parameter, otherwise the baseline parameter is ignored.

      If snapToPixel is true for this skin, then the resulting x,y values will be rounded to their nearest pixel boundaries and the width/height values will be ceiled to the next pixel boundary.

      child - the child being positioned within this skin
      areaX - the horizontal offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaY - the vertical offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaWidth - the width of the layout area
      areaHeight - the height of the layout area
      areaBaselineOffset - the baseline offset to be used if VPos is BASELINE
      halignment - the horizontal alignment for the child within the area
      valignment - the vertical alignment for the child within the area
    • layoutInArea

      protected void layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
      Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.

      If the child is resizable, this method will resize it to fill the specified area unless the node's maximum size prevents it. If the node's maximum size preference is less than the area size, the maximum size will be used. If node's maximum is greater than the area size, then the node will be resized to fit within the area, unless its minimum size prevents it.

      If the child has a non-null contentBias, then this method will use it when resizing the child. If the contentBias is horizontal, it will set its width first to the area's width (up to the child's max width limit) and then pass that value to compute the child's height. If child's contentBias is vertical, then it will set its height to the area height (up to child's max height limit) and pass that height to compute the child's width. If the child's contentBias is null, then it's width and height have no dependencies on each other.

      If the child is not resizable (Shape, Group, etc) then it will only be positioned and not resized.

      If the child's resulting size differs from the area's size (either because it was not resizable or it's sizing preferences prevented it), then this function will align the node relative to the area using horizontal and vertical alignment values. If valignment is VPos.BASELINE then the node's baseline will be aligned with the area baseline offset parameter, otherwise the baseline parameter is ignored.

      If margin is non-null, then that space will be allocated around the child within the layout area. margin may be null.

      If snapToPixel is true for this skin, then the resulting x,y values will be rounded to their nearest pixel boundaries and the width/height values will be ceiled to the next pixel boundary.

      child - the child being positioned within this skin
      areaX - the horizontal offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaY - the vertical offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaWidth - the width of the layout area
      areaHeight - the height of the layout area
      areaBaselineOffset - the baseline offset to be used if VPos is BASELINE
      margin - the margin of space to be allocated around the child
      halignment - the horizontal alignment for the child within the area
      valignment - the vertical alignment for the child within the area
    • layoutInArea

      protected void layoutInArea(Node child, double areaX, double areaY, double areaWidth, double areaHeight, double areaBaselineOffset, Insets margin, boolean fillWidth, boolean fillHeight, HPos halignment, VPos valignment)
      Utility method which lays out the child within an area of this skin defined by areaX, areaY, areaWidth x areaHeight, with a baseline offset relative to that area.

      If the child is resizable, this method will use fillWidth and fillHeight to determine whether to resize it to fill the area or keep the child at its preferred dimension. If fillWidth/fillHeight are true, then this method will only resize the child up to its max size limits. If the node's maximum size preference is less than the area size, the maximum size will be used. If node's maximum is greater than the area size, then the node will be resized to fit within the area, unless its minimum size prevents it.

      If the child has a non-null contentBias, then this method will use it when resizing the child. If the contentBias is horizontal, it will set its width first and then pass that value to compute the child's height. If child's contentBias is vertical, then it will set its height first and pass that value to compute the child's width. If the child's contentBias is null, then it's width and height have no dependencies on each other.

      If the child is not resizable (Shape, Group, etc) then it will only be positioned and not resized.

      If the child's resulting size differs from the area's size (either because it was not resizable or it's sizing preferences prevented it), then this function will align the node relative to the area using horizontal and vertical alignment values. If valignment is VPos.BASELINE then the node's baseline will be aligned with the area baseline offset parameter, otherwise the baseline parameter is ignored.

      If margin is non-null, then that space will be allocated around the child within the layout area. margin may be null.

      If snapToPixel is true for this skin, then the resulting x,y values will be rounded to their nearest pixel boundaries and the width/height values will be ceiled to the next pixel boundary.

      child - the child being positioned within this skin
      areaX - the horizontal offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaY - the vertical offset of the layout area relative to this skin
      areaWidth - the width of the layout area
      areaHeight - the height of the layout area
      areaBaselineOffset - the baseline offset to be used if VPos is BASELINE
      margin - the margin of space to be allocated around the child
      fillWidth - whether or not the child should be resized to fill the area width or kept to its preferred width
      fillHeight - whether or not the child should e resized to fill the area height or kept to its preferred height
      halignment - the horizontal alignment for the child within the area
      valignment - the vertical alignment for the child within the area