Interface Skinnable

All Known Implementing Classes:
Button, ButtonBar, ButtonBase, Cell, CheckBox, ChoiceBox, ComboBoxBase, ContextMenu, Control, DatePicker, Hyperlink, Label, Labeled, PasswordField, PopupControl, ProgressBar, ProgressIndicator, RadioButton, ScrollPane, Separator, Slider, SplitPane, TabPane, TextArea, TextField, TextInputControl, TitledPane, ToggleButton, ToolkitTextBox

public interface Skinnable

The Skinnable interface is implemented by the Control class, and therefore is implemented by all Control implementations.

JavaFX 2.0
  • Property Summary

    Skin is responsible for rendering this Control.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the skin that renders this Control
    setSkin(Skin<?> value)
    Sets the skin that will render this Control
    Skin is responsible for rendering this Control.
  • Property Details

    • skin

      ObjectProperty<Skin<?>> skinProperty
      Skin is responsible for rendering this Control. From the perspective of the Control, the Skin is a black box. It listens and responds to changes in state in a Control.

      There is a one-to-one relationship between a Control and its Skin. Every Skin maintains a back reference to the Control.

      A skin may be null.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • skinProperty

      ObjectProperty<Skin<?>> skinProperty()
      Skin is responsible for rendering this Control. From the perspective of the Control, the Skin is a black box. It listens and responds to changes in state in a Control.

      There is a one-to-one relationship between a Control and its Skin. Every Skin maintains a back reference to the Control.

      A skin may be null.

      the skin property
      See Also:
    • setSkin

      void setSkin(Skin<?> value)
      Sets the skin that will render this Control
    • getSkin

      Skin<?> getSkin()
      Returns the skin that renders this Control