Class SequentialTransition

public final class SequentialTransition extends Transition
This Transition plays a list of Animations in sequential order.

Children of this Transition inherit node, if their node property is not specified.

Code Segment Example:

     Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (100, 40, 100, 100);

     final Duration SEC_2 = Duration.millis(2000);
     final Duration SEC_3 = Duration.millis(3000);

     PauseTransition pt = new PauseTransition(Duration.millis(1000));
     FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition(SEC_3);
     TranslateTransition tt = new TranslateTransition(SEC_2);
     RotateTransition rt = new RotateTransition(SEC_3);
     ScaleTransition st = new ScaleTransition(SEC_2);

     SequentialTransition seqT = new SequentialTransition (rect, pt, ft, tt, rt, st);;
JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

    • node

      public final ObjectProperty<Node> nodeProperty
      This Node is used in all child Transitions, that do not define a target Node themselves. This can be used if a number of Transitions should be applied to a single Node.

      It is not possible to change the target node of a running Transition. If the value of node is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SequentialTransition

      public SequentialTransition(Node node, Animation... children)
      The constructor of SequentialTransition.
      node - The target Node to be used in child Transitions that have no Node specified themselves
      children - The child Animations of this SequentialTransition
    • SequentialTransition

      public SequentialTransition(Animation... children)
      The constructor of SequentialTransition.
      children - The child Animations of this SequentialTransition
    • SequentialTransition

      public SequentialTransition(Node node)
      The constructor of SequentialTransition.
      node - The target Node to be used in child Transitions that have no Node specified themselves
    • SequentialTransition

      public SequentialTransition()
      The constructor of SequentialTransition.
  • Method Details

    • setNode

      public final void setNode(Node value)
      Sets the value of the node property.
      Property description:
      This Node is used in all child Transitions, that do not define a target Node themselves. This can be used if a number of Transitions should be applied to a single Node.

      It is not possible to change the target node of a running Transition. If the value of node is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      value - the value for the node property
      See Also:
    • getNode

      public final Node getNode()
      Gets the value of the node property.
      Property description:
      This Node is used in all child Transitions, that do not define a target Node themselves. This can be used if a number of Transitions should be applied to a single Node.

      It is not possible to change the target node of a running Transition. If the value of node is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      the value of the node property
      See Also:
    • nodeProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Node> nodeProperty()
      This Node is used in all child Transitions, that do not define a target Node themselves. This can be used if a number of Transitions should be applied to a single Node.

      It is not possible to change the target node of a running Transition. If the value of node is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      the node property
      See Also:
    • getChildren

      public final ObservableList<Animation> getChildren()
      A list of Animations that will be played sequentially.

      It is not possible to change the children of a running SequentialTransition. If the children are changed for a running SequentialTransition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      a list of Animations that will be played sequentially
    • getParentTargetNode

      protected Node getParentTargetNode()
      Returns the first non-null target Node in the parent hierarchy of this Transition, or null if such a node is not found.

      A parent animation is one that can have child animations. Examples are SequentialTransition and ParallelTransition. A parent animation can also be a child of another parent animation.

      Note that if this Transition has a target node set and is not a parent animation, it will be ignored during the call as this method only queries parent animations.

      getParentTargetNode in class Transition
      the target Node
    • interpolate

      protected void interpolate(double frac)
      The method interpolate() has to be provided by implementations of Transition. While a Transition is running, this method is called in every frame. The parameter defines the current position with the animation. At the start, the fraction will be 0.0 and at the end it will be 1.0. How the parameter increases, depends on the interpolator, e.g. if the interpolator is Interpolator.LINEAR, the fraction will increase linear. This method must not be called by the user directly.
      Specified by:
      interpolate in class Transition
      frac - The relative position