Class Transition

Direct Known Subclasses:
FadeTransition, ParallelTransition, PauseTransition, ScaleTransition, SequentialTransition, TranslateTransition

public abstract class Transition extends Animation
An abstract class that contains the basic functionalities required by all Transition based animations, such as PathTransition and RotateTransition.

This class offers a simple framework to define animation. It provides all the basic functionality defined in Animation. Transition requires the implementation of a method interpolate(double) which is the called in each frame, while the Transition is running.

In addition an extending class needs to set the duration of a single cycle with Animation.setCycleDuration(javafx.util.Duration). This duration is usually set by the user via a duration property (as in duration) for example. But it can also be calculated by the extending class as is done in ParallelTransition and FadeTransition.

Below is a simple example. It creates a small animation that updates the text property of a Text node. It starts with an empty String and adds gradually letter by letter until the full String was set when the animation finishes.

 final String content = "Lorem ipsum";
 final Text text = new Text(10, 20, "");

 final Animation animation = new Transition() {

     protected void interpolate(double frac) {
         final int length = content.length();
         final int n = Math.round(length * (float) frac);
         text.setText(content.substring(0, n));

JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Transition

      public Transition(double targetFramerate)
      The constructor of Transition. This constructor allows to define a target framerate.
      targetFramerate - The custom target frame rate for this Transition
    • Transition

      public Transition()
      The constructor of Transition.
  • Method Details

    • setInterpolator

      public final void setInterpolator(Interpolator value)
      Sets the value of the interpolator property.
      Property description:
      Controls the timing for acceleration and deceleration at each Transition cycle.

      This may only be changed prior to starting the transition or after the transition has ended. If the value of interpolator is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      Default interpolator is set to Interpolator.EASE_BOTH.

      Default value:
      value - the value for the interpolator property
      See Also:
    • getInterpolator

      public final Interpolator getInterpolator()
      Gets the value of the interpolator property.
      Property description:
      Controls the timing for acceleration and deceleration at each Transition cycle.

      This may only be changed prior to starting the transition or after the transition has ended. If the value of interpolator is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      Default interpolator is set to Interpolator.EASE_BOTH.

      Default value:
      the value of the interpolator property
      See Also:
    • interpolatorProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<Interpolator> interpolatorProperty()
      Controls the timing for acceleration and deceleration at each Transition cycle.

      This may only be changed prior to starting the transition or after the transition has ended. If the value of interpolator is changed for a running Transition, the animation has to be stopped and started again to pick up the new value.

      Default interpolator is set to Interpolator.EASE_BOTH.

      Default value:
      the interpolator property
      See Also:
    • getCachedInterpolator

      protected Interpolator getCachedInterpolator()
      Returns the Interpolator, that was set when the Transition was started. Changing the interpolator of a running Transition should have no immediate effect. Instead the running Transition should continue to use the original Interpolator until it is stopped and started again.
      the Interpolator that was set when this Transition was started
    • getParentTargetNode

      protected Node getParentTargetNode()
      Returns the first non-null target Node in the parent hierarchy of this Transition, or null if such a node is not found.

      A parent animation is one that can have child animations. Examples are SequentialTransition and ParallelTransition. A parent animation can also be a child of another parent animation.

      Note that if this Transition has a target node set and is not a parent animation, it will be ignored during the call as this method only queries parent animations.

      the target Node
    • interpolate

      protected abstract void interpolate(double frac)
      The method interpolate() has to be provided by implementations of Transition. While a Transition is running, this method is called in every frame. The parameter defines the current position with the animation. At the start, the fraction will be 0.0 and at the end it will be 1.0. How the parameter increases, depends on the interpolator, e.g. if the interpolator is Interpolator.LINEAR, the fraction will increase linear. This method must not be called by the user directly.
      frac - The relative position