Class SubtractShape

All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutMeasurable, LayoutMeasurableMixin, HasBlendModeProperty, HasClipProperty, HasEffectProperty, HasFillProperty, HasLayoutXProperty, HasLayoutYProperty, HasManagedProperty, HasMouseTransparentProperty, HasOnMouseClickedProperty, HasOpacityProperty, HasParentProperty, HasSmoothProperty, HasStrokeDashOffsetProperty, HasStrokeLineCapProperty, HasStrokeLineJoinProperty, HasStrokeMiterLimitProperty, HasStrokeProperty, HasStrokeTypeProperty, HasStrokeWidthProperty, HasVisibleProperty, Styleable, EventTarget, INode

public class SubtractShape extends Shape
SubtractShape is a pure WebFX class created by Shape.subtract() and the only supported usage so far is clipping.
Bruno Salmon
  • Constructor Details

    • SubtractShape

      public SubtractShape(Shape shape1, Shape shape2)
  • Method Details

    • impl_computeGeomBounds

      public BaseBounds impl_computeGeomBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx)
      Description copied from class: Node
      Computes the geometric bounds for this Node. This method is abstract and must be implemented by each Node subclass.
      Specified by:
      impl_computeGeomBounds in class Node
    • getShape1

      public Shape getShape1()
    • getShape2

      public Shape getShape2()