Class Menu

All Implemented Interfaces:
Styleable, EventTarget

@DefaultProperty("items") public class Menu extends MenuItem

A popup menu of actionable items which is displayed to the user only upon request. When a menu is visible, in most use cases, the user can select one menu item before the menu goes back to its hidden state. This means the menu is a good place to put important functionality that does not necessarily need to be visible at all times to the user.

Menus are typically placed in a MenuBar, or as a submenu of another Menu. If the intention is to offer a context menu when the user right-clicks in a certain area of their user interface, then this is the wrong control to use. This is because when Menu is added to the scenegraph, it has a visual representation that will result in it appearing on screen. Instead, ContextMenu should be used in this circumstance.

Creating a Menu and inserting it into a MenuBar is easy, as shown below:

 final Menu menu1 = new Menu("File");
 MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();

A Menu is a subclass of MenuItem which means that it can be inserted into a Menu's items ObservableList, resulting in a submenu being created:

 MenuItem menu12 = new MenuItem("Open");

The items ObservableList allows for any MenuItem type to be inserted, including its subclasses Menu, MenuItem, RadioMenuItem, CheckMenuItem, CustomMenuItem and SeparatorMenuItem. In order to insert an arbitrary Node to a Menu, a CustomMenuItem can be used. One exception to this general rule is that SeparatorMenuItem could be used for inserting a separator.

JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Field Details


      public static final EventType<Event> ON_SHOWING

      Called when the contextMenu for this menu will be shown. However if the contextMenu is empty then this will not be called.

    • ON_SHOWN

      public static final EventType<Event> ON_SHOWN

      Called when the contextMenu for this menu shows. However if the contextMenu is empty then this will not be called.


      public static final EventType<Event> ON_HIDING

      Called when the contextMenu for this menu will be hidden. However if the contextMenu is empty then this will not be called.


      public static final EventType<Event> ON_HIDDEN

      Called when the contextMenu for this menu is hidden. However if the contextMenu is empty then this will not be called.

  • Constructor Details

    • Menu

      public Menu()
      Constructs a Menu with an empty string for its display text.
      JavaFX 2.2
    • Menu

      public Menu(String text)
      Constructs a Menu and sets the display text with the specified text.
      text - the text to display on the menu button
    • Menu

      public Menu(String text, Node graphic)
      Constructs a Menu and sets the display text with the specified text and sets the graphic Node to the given node.
      text - the text to display on the menu button
      graphic - the graphic to display on the menu button
    • Menu

      public Menu(String text, Node graphic, MenuItem... items)
      Constructs a Menu and sets the display text with the specified text, the graphic Node to the given node, and inserts the given items into the items list.
      text - the text to display on the menu button
      graphic - the graphic to display on the menu button
      items - The items to display in the popup menu.
      JavaFX 8u40
  • Method Details

    • isShowing

      public final boolean isShowing()
      Gets the value of the showing property.
      Property description:
      Indicates whether the ContextMenu is currently visible.
      Default value:
      the value of the showing property
      See Also:
    • showingProperty

      public final ReadOnlyBooleanProperty showingProperty()
      Indicates whether the ContextMenu is currently visible.
      Default value:
      the showing property
      See Also:
    • onShowingProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShowingProperty()
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being shown, even if the menu has no items to show. Note however that this won't be called if the menu does not have a valid anchor node.
      the on showing property
      See Also:
    • setOnShowing

      public final void setOnShowing(EventHandler<Event> value)
      Sets the value of the onShowing property.
      Property description:
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being shown, even if the menu has no items to show. Note however that this won't be called if the menu does not have a valid anchor node.
      value - the value for the onShowing property
      See Also:
    • getOnShowing

      public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShowing()
      Gets the value of the onShowing property.
      Property description:
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being shown, even if the menu has no items to show. Note however that this won't be called if the menu does not have a valid anchor node.
      the value of the onShowing property
      See Also:
    • onShownProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onShownProperty()
      Called just after the ContextMenu is shown.
      the on shown property
      See Also:
    • setOnShown

      public final void setOnShown(EventHandler<Event> value)
      Sets the value of the onShown property.
      Property description:
      Called just after the ContextMenu is shown.
      value - the value for the onShown property
      See Also:
    • getOnShown

      public final EventHandler<Event> getOnShown()
      Gets the value of the onShown property.
      Property description:
      Called just after the ContextMenu is shown.
      the value of the onShown property
      See Also:
    • onHidingProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHidingProperty()
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being hidden.
      the on hiding property
      See Also:
    • setOnHiding

      public final void setOnHiding(EventHandler<Event> value)
      Sets the value of the onHiding property.
      Property description:
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being hidden.
      value - the value for the onHiding property
      See Also:
    • getOnHiding

      public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHiding()
      Gets the value of the onHiding property.
      Property description:
      Called just prior to the ContextMenu being hidden.
      the value of the onHiding property
      See Also:
    • onHiddenProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<Event>> onHiddenProperty()
      Called just after the ContextMenu has been hidden.
      the on hidden property
      See Also:
    • setOnHidden

      public final void setOnHidden(EventHandler<Event> value)
      Sets the value of the onHidden property.
      Property description:
      Called just after the ContextMenu has been hidden.
      value - the value for the onHidden property
      See Also:
    • getOnHidden

      public final EventHandler<Event> getOnHidden()
      Gets the value of the onHidden property.
      Property description:
      Called just after the ContextMenu has been hidden.
      the value of the onHidden property
      See Also:
    • getItems

      public final ObservableList<MenuItem> getItems()
      The items to show within this menu. If this ObservableList is modified at runtime, the Menu will update as expected.
      the list of items
    • show

      public void show()
      If the Menu is not disabled and the ContextMenu is not already showing, then this will cause the ContextMenu to be shown.
    • hide

      public void hide()
      Hides the ContextMenu if it was previously showing, and any showing submenus. If this menu is not showing, then invoking this function has no effect.
    • addEventHandler

      public <E extends Event> void addEventHandler(EventType<E> eventType, EventHandler<E> eventHandler)
      Registers an event handler to this MenuItem. The handler is called when the menu item receives an Event of the specified type during the bubbling phase of event delivery.
      addEventHandler in class MenuItem
      Type Parameters:
      E - the specific event class of the handler
      eventType - the type of the events to receive by the handler
      eventHandler - the handler to register
    • removeEventHandler

      public <E extends Event> void removeEventHandler(EventType<E> eventType, EventHandler<E> eventHandler)
      Unregisters a previously registered event handler from this MenuItem. One handler might have been registered for different event types, so the caller needs to specify the particular event type from which to unregister the handler.
      removeEventHandler in class MenuItem
      Type Parameters:
      E - the specific event class of the handler
      eventType - the event type from which to unregister
      eventHandler - the handler to unregister
    • buildEventDispatchChain

      public EventDispatchChain buildEventDispatchChain(EventDispatchChain tail)
      Construct an event dispatch chain for this target. The event dispatch chain contains event dispatchers which might be interested in processing of events targeted at this EventTarget. This event target is not automatically added to the chain, so if it wants to process events, it needs to add an EventDispatcher for itself to the chain.

      In the case the event target is part of some hierarchy, the chain for it is usually built from event dispatchers collected from the root of the hierarchy to the event target.

      The event dispatch chain is constructed by modifications to the provided initial event dispatch chain. The returned chain should have the initial chain at its end so the dispatchers should be prepended to the initial chain.

      The caller shouldn't assume that the initial chain remains unchanged nor that the returned value will reference a different chain.

      Specified by:
      buildEventDispatchChain in interface EventTarget
      buildEventDispatchChain in class MenuItem
      tail - the initial chain to build from
      the resulting event dispatch chain for this target