Package javafx.scene

Enum AccessibleAttribute

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<AccessibleAttribute>

public enum AccessibleAttribute extends Enum<AccessibleAttribute>
This enum describes the attributes that an assistive technology such as a screen reader can request from the scene graph. The AccessibleRole dictates the set of attributes that the screen reader will request for a particular control. For example, a slider is expected to return a double that represents the current value.

Attributes may have any number of parameters, depending on the particular attribute.

When the value of an attribute is changed by a node, it must notify the assistive technology using

invalid @link
. This will allow the screen reader to inform the user that a value has changed. The most common form of notification is focus change.

JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • invalid @see
    Node#queryAccessibleAttribute(AccessibleAttribute, Object...)
  • invalid @see
  • AccessibleRole
  • ROLE
  • Enum Constant Details


      public static final AccessibleAttribute ACCELERATOR
      Returns the accelerator for the node.
      • Used by: Menu, MenuItem, RadioMenuItem, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: KeyCombination
      • Parameters:
    • BOUNDS

      public static final AccessibleAttribute BOUNDS
      Returns the bounds for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Bounds
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute BOUNDS_FOR_RANGE
      Returns the array of bounding rectangles for the given character range.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Bounds[]
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute CARET_OFFSET
      Returns the caret offset for the node.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute CHILDREN
      Returns the children for the node.

      public static final AccessibleAttribute COLUMN_AT_INDEX
      Returns the column at the given index.
      • Used by: TableView and TreeTableView
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute CELL_AT_ROW_COLUMN
      Returns the cell at the given row and column indices.
      • Used by: TableView and TreeTableView
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute COLUMN_COUNT
      Returns the column count for the node.
      • Used by: TableView and TreeTableView
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute COLUMN_INDEX
      Returns the column index for the node.
      • Used by: TableCell and TreeTableCell
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute CONTENTS
      Returns the contents of the node.
      • Used by: ScrollPane
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute DISABLED
      Returns true if the node is disabled, otherwise false.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute DISCLOSURE_LEVEL
      Returns the depth of a row in the disclosure hierarchy.
      • Used by: TreeItem and TreeTableRow
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute EDITABLE
      Returns true if the node is editable, otherwise false.
      • Used by: TextField, ComboBox, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute EXPANDED
      Returns true if the node is expanded, otherwise false.
      • Used by: TreeItem, TitledPane, and others
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute FOCUS_ITEM
      Returns the focus item.

      Used for controls such as TabPane, TableView, ListView where the assistive technology focus is different from the normal focus node. For example, a table control will have focus, while a cell inside the table might have the screen reader focus.

      • Used by: ListView, TabPane, and others
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute FOCUS_NODE
      Returns the focus node. Type: Node

      When this attribute is requested from the Scene, the default implementation returns Scene.focusOwnerProperty().

      • Used by: Scene
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute FOCUSED
      Returns true if the node is focused, otherwise false.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:
    • FONT

      public static final AccessibleAttribute FONT
      Returns the font for the node.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Font
      • Parameters:
    • HELP

      public static final AccessibleAttribute HELP
      Returns the help text for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: String
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR
      Returns the horizontal scroll bar for the node.
      • Used by: ListView, ScrollPane, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute INDETERMINATE
      Returns true of the node is indeterminaite, otherwise false.
      • Used by: CheckBox and ProgressIndicator
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ITEM_AT_INDEX
      Returns the item at the given index.
      • Used by: TabPane, ListView, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ITEM_COUNT
      Returns the item count for the node.
      • Used by: TabPane, ListView, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:
    • INDEX

      public static final AccessibleAttribute INDEX
      Returns the index for the node.
      • Used by: ListItem, TableRow, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute LABELED_BY
      Returns the node that is the label for this node.

      When labelFor is set, the default implementation of LABELED_BY uses this relationship to return the appropriate node to the screen reader.

      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:
    • LEAF

      public static final AccessibleAttribute LEAF
      Returns true if the node is a leaf element, otherwise false.
      • Used by: TreeItem and TreeTableRow
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:
    • LINE_END

      public static final AccessibleAttribute LINE_END
      Returns the line end offset of the given line index.
      • Used by: TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute LINE_FOR_OFFSET
      Returns the line index of the given character offset.
      • Used by: TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute LINE_START
      Returns the line start offset of the given line index.
      • Used by: TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute MIN_VALUE
      Returns the minimum value for the node.
      • Used by: Slider, ScrollBar, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Double
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute MAX_VALUE
      Returns the maximum value for the node.
      • Used by: Slider, ScrollBar, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Double
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute MNEMONIC
      Returns the mnemonic for the node.
      • Used by: Menu, MenuItem, CheckMenuItem, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: String
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute MULTIPLE_SELECTION
      Returns true if the node allows for multiple selection, otherwise false.
      • Used by: ListView, TableView, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute NODE_AT_POINT
      Returns the node at the given location.
      • Used by: Scene
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute OFFSET_AT_POINT
      Returns the character offset at the given location.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ORIENTATION
      Returns the orientation of the node.
      • Used by: ScrolBar and Slider
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Orientation
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute OVERFLOW_BUTTON
      Return the overflow button for the node.
      • Used by: Toolbar
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:
    • PARENT

      public static final AccessibleAttribute PARENT
      Returns the parent for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Parent
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute PARENT_MENU
      Returns the parent menu for the node.
      • Used by: ContextMenu
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:
    • ROLE

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ROLE
      Returns the role for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: AccessibleRole
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ROLE_DESCRIPTION
      Returns the role description for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: String
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ROW_AT_INDEX
      Returns the row at the given index.
      • Used by: TableView, TreeView, and TreeTableView
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ROW_COUNT
      Returns the row count for the node.
      • Used by: TableView, TreeView, and TreeTableView
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute ROW_INDEX
      Returns the row index of the node.
      • Used by: TableCell, TreeItem, and TreeTableCell
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:
    • SCENE

      public static final AccessibleAttribute SCENE
      Returns the scene for the node.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Scene
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute SELECTED
      Returns true if the node is selected, otherwise false.
      • Used by: CheckBox, TreeItem, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute SELECTED_ITEMS
      Returns the list of selected items for the node.
      • Used by: ListView, TableView, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: ObservableList<Node>
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute SELECTION_END
      Returns the text selection end offset for the node.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute SELECTION_START
      Returns the text selection start offset for the node.
      • Used by: TextField and TextArea
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:
    • TEXT

      public static final AccessibleAttribute TEXT
      Returns the text for the node. E.g.
      • ComboBox returns a string representation of the current selected item.
      • TextField returns the contents of the text field.
      • Used by: Node
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: String
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute TREE_ITEM_AT_INDEX
      Returns a tree item at the given index, relative to its TREE_ITEM_PARENT.
      • Used by: TreeItem and TreeTableRow
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute TREE_ITEM_COUNT
      Returns the tree item count for the node, relative to its TREE_ITEM_PARENT.
      • Used by: TreeItem and TreeTableRow
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Integer
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute TREE_ITEM_PARENT
      Returns the parent item for the item, or null if the item is the root.
      • Used by: TreeItem and TreeTableRow
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:
    • VALUE

      public static final AccessibleAttribute VALUE
      Returns the value for the node.
      • Used by: Slider, ScrollBar, Thumb, and others
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Double
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR
      Returns the vertical scroll bar for the node.
      • Used by: ListView, ScrollPane, and others
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Node
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute VISIBLE
      Returns true if node is visible, otherwise false.
      • Used by: Node and ContextMenu
      • Needs notify: yes
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:

      public static final AccessibleAttribute VISITED
      Returns true if the node has been visited, otherwise false.
      • Used by: Hyperlink
      • Needs notify: no
      • Return Type: Boolean
      • Parameters:
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static AccessibleAttribute[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static AccessibleAttribute valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getReturnType

      public Class<?> getReturnType()