Class OpenJFXWebFxKitLauncherProvider.FxKitWrapperApplication

Enclosing class:

public static class OpenJFXWebFxKitLauncherProvider.FxKitWrapperApplication extends Application
  • Constructor Details

    • FxKitWrapperApplication

      public FxKitWrapperApplication()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init() throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Application
      The application initialization method. This method is called immediately after the Application class is loaded and constructed. An application may override this method to perform initialization prior to the actual starting of the application.

      The implementation of this method provided by the Application class does nothing.

      NOTE: This method is not called on the JavaFX Application Thread. An application must not construct a Scene or a Stage in this method. An application may construct other JavaFX objects in this method.

      init in class Application
    • start

      public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Application
      The main entry point for all JavaFX applications. The start method is called after the init method has returned, and after the system is ready for the application to begin running.

      NOTE: This method is called on the JavaFX Application Thread.

      Specified by:
      start in class Application
      primaryStage - the primary stage for this application, onto which the application scene can be set. The primary stage will be embedded in the browser if the application was launched as an applet. Applications may create other stages, if needed, but they will not be primary stages and will not be embedded in the browser.