Class Application.Parameters

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class Application.Parameters extends Object
Encapsulates the set of parameters for an application. This includes arguments passed on the command line, unnamed parameters specified in a JNLP file, and <name,value> pairs specified in a JNLP file.

Note that the application and the preloader both get the same set of parameters for a given run of an application.

JavaFX 2.0
  • Constructor Details

    • Parameters

      public Parameters()
      Constructs a new Parameters instance.
  • Method Details

    • getRaw

      public abstract List<String> getRaw()
      Retrieves a read-only list of the raw arguments. This list may be empty, but is never null. In the case of a standalone application, it is the ordered list of arguments specified on the command line. In the case of an applet or WebStart application, it includes unnamed parameters as well as named parameters. For named parameters, each <name,value> pair is represented as a single argument of the form: "--name=value".
      a read-only list of raw application arguments
    • getUnnamed

      public abstract List<String> getUnnamed()
      Retrieves a read-only list of the unnamed parameters. This list may be empty, but is never null. The named parameters, that is the parameters that are represented as <name,value> pairs, are filtered out.
      a read-only list of unnamed parameters.
    • getNamed

      public abstract Map<String,String> getNamed()
      Retrieves a read-only map of the named parameters. It may be empty, but is never null. Named parameters include those <name,value> pairs explicitly specified in a JNLP file. It also includes any command line arguments of the form: "--name=value".
      a read-only map of named parameters.