Interface EventDispatchTree

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public interface EventDispatchTree extends EventDispatchChain
  • Method Details

    • createTree

      EventDispatchTree createTree()
    • mergeTree

    • append

      EventDispatchTree append(EventDispatcher eventDispatcher)
      Description copied from interface: EventDispatchChain
      Appends the specified EventDispatcher to this chain. Returns a reference to the chain with the appended element.

      The caller shouldn't assume that this EventDispatchChain remains unchanged nor that the returned value will reference a different chain after the call. All this depends on the EventDispatchChain implementation.

      So the call should be always done in the following form: chain = chain.append(eventDispatcher);

      Specified by:
      append in interface EventDispatchChain
      eventDispatcher - the EventDispatcher to append to the chain
      the chain with the appended event dispatcher
    • prepend

      EventDispatchTree prepend(EventDispatcher eventDispatcher)
      Description copied from interface: EventDispatchChain
      Prepends the specified EventDispatcher to this chain. Returns a reference to the chain with the prepended element.

      The caller shouldn't assume that this EventDispatchChain remains unchanged nor that the returned value will reference a different chain after the call. All this depends on the EventDispatchChain implementation.

      So the call should be always done in the following form: chain = chain.prepend(eventDispatcher);

      Specified by:
      prepend in interface EventDispatchChain
      eventDispatcher - the EventDispatcher to prepend to the chain
      the chain with the prepended event dispatcher