Package javafx.scene

Class SnapshotParameters


public class SnapshotParameters extends Object
Parameters used to specify the rendering attributes for Node snapshot.
JavaFX 2.2
  • Constructor Details

    • SnapshotParameters

      public SnapshotParameters()
      Constructs a new SnapshotParameters object with default values for all rendering attributes.
  • Method Details

    • getTransform

      public Transform getTransform()
      Gets the current transform.
      the transform
    • setTransform

      public void setTransform(Transform transform)
      Sets the transform to the specified value. This transform is applied to the node being rendered before any local transforms are applied. A value of null indicates that the identity transform should be used. The default value is null.
      transform - the transform to set
    • getFill

      public Paint getFill()
      Gets the current fill.
      the fill
    • setFill

      public void setFill(Paint fill)
      Sets the fill to the specified value. This is used to fill the entire image being rendered prior to rendering the node. A value of null indicates that the color white should be used for the fill. The default value is null.
      fill - the fill to set