Class BorderStroke


public class BorderStroke extends Object
Defines the stroke to use on a Border for styling a Region. The stroke is a vector-based rendering that outlines the border area. It can be inset (or outset) from the Region's edge, and the values of the stroke are taken into account when computing the Region's insets (for defining the content area). The stroke visuals are not used when any BorderImages are in use.

When applied to a Region with a defined shape, the border width and stroking information for the top is used, while the other attributes are ignored.

JavaFX 8.0
  • Field Details

    • THIN

      public static final BorderWidths THIN
      The default insets when "thin" is specified.
    • MEDIUM

      public static final BorderWidths MEDIUM
      The default insets when "medium" is specified
    • THICK

      public static final BorderWidths THICK
      The default insets when "thick" is specified

      public static final BorderWidths DEFAULT_WIDTHS
      The default Insets to be used with a BorderStroke that does not otherwise define any.
  • Constructor Details

    • BorderStroke

      public BorderStroke(Paint stroke, BorderStrokeStyle style, CornerRadii radii, BorderWidths widths)
      Creates a new BorderStroke.
      stroke - The stroke to use for all sides. If null, we default to Color.BLACK.
      style - The style to use for all sides. If null, we default to BorderStrokeStyle.NONE
      radii - The radii to use. If null, we default to CornerRadii.EMPTY
      widths - The widths to use. If null, we default to DEFAULT_WIDTHS
    • BorderStroke

      public BorderStroke(Paint stroke, BorderStrokeStyle style, CornerRadii radii, BorderWidths widths, Insets insets)
      Creates a new BorderStroke.
      stroke - The stroke to use for all sides. If null, we default to Color.BLACK.
      style - The style to use for all sides. If null, we default to BorderStrokeStyle.NONE
      radii - The radii to use. If null, we default to CornerRadii.EMPTY
      widths - The widths to use. If null, we default to DEFAULT_WIDTHS
      insets - The insets indicating where to draw the border relative to the region edges.
    • BorderStroke

      public BorderStroke(Paint topStroke, Paint rightStroke, Paint bottomStroke, Paint leftStroke, BorderStrokeStyle topStyle, BorderStrokeStyle rightStyle, BorderStrokeStyle bottomStyle, BorderStrokeStyle leftStyle, CornerRadii radii, BorderWidths widths, Insets insets)
      Create a new BorderStroke, specifying all construction parameters.
      topStroke - The fill to use on the top. If null, defaults to BLACK.
      rightStroke - The fill to use on the right. If null, defaults to the same value as topStroke
      bottomStroke - The fill to use on the bottom. If null, defaults to the same value as bottomStroke
      leftStroke - The fill to use on the left. If null, defaults to the same value as rightStroke
      topStyle - The style to use on the top. If null, defaults to BorderStrokeStyle.NONE
      rightStyle - The style to use on the right. If null, defaults to the same value as topStyle
      bottomStyle - The style to use on the bottom. If null, defaults to the same value as topStyle
      leftStyle - The style to use on the left. If null, defaults to the same value as rightStyle
      radii - The radii. If null, we default to square corners by using CornerRadii.EMPTY
      widths - The thickness of each side. If null, we default to DEFAULT_WIDTHS.
      insets - The insets indicating where to draw the border relative to the region edges.
  • Method Details

    • getTopStroke

      public final Paint getTopStroke()
      Defines the fill of top side of this border.
      Default value:
    • getRightStroke

      public final Paint getRightStroke()
      Defines the fill of right side of this border. If null then the topFill is used.
      Default value:
      null = same as topFill
    • getBottomStroke

      public final Paint getBottomStroke()
      Defines the fill of bottom side of this border. If null then the topFill is used.
      Default value:
      null = same as topFill
    • getLeftStroke

      public final Paint getLeftStroke()
      Defines the fill of left side of this border. If null then the rightFill is used.
      Default value:
      null = same sa rightFill
    • getTopStyle

      public final BorderStrokeStyle getTopStyle()
      Defines the style of top side of this border.
      Default value:
    • getRightStyle

      public final BorderStrokeStyle getRightStyle()
      Defines the style of right side of this border. If null then topStyle is used;
      Default value:
      null = same as topStyle
    • getBottomStyle

      public final BorderStrokeStyle getBottomStyle()
      Defines the style of bottom side of this border. If null then topStyle is used; Use BorderStyle.NONE to set the border to have no border style.
      Default value:
      null = same as topStyle
    • getLeftStyle

      public final BorderStrokeStyle getLeftStyle()
      Defines the style of left side of this border. If null then rightStyle is used. Use BorderStyle.NONE to set the border to have no border style.
      Default value:
      null = same as rightStyle
    • getWidths

      public final BorderWidths getWidths()
      Defines the thickness of each side of the BorderStroke. This will never be null, and defaults to DEFAULT_WIDTHS.
    • getInsets

      public final Insets getInsets()
      Defines the insets of each side of the BorderStroke. This will never be null, and defaults to EMPTY.
    • getRadii

      public final CornerRadii getRadii()
      Defines the radii for each corner of this BorderStroke. This will never be null, and defaults to CornerRadii.EMPTY.
    • isStrokeUniform

      public final boolean isStrokeUniform()
      An uniform stroke has all (top, bottom, left, right) strokes of same color, width and style
      true if border stroke is uniform as defined above
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object