Interface ObservableNumberValue

All Superinterfaces:
Observable, ObservableValue<Number>
All Known Subinterfaces:
NumberBinding, NumberExpression, ObservableDoubleValue, ObservableFloatValue, ObservableIntegerValue, ObservableLongValue
All Known Implementing Classes:
DoubleBinding, DoubleExpression, DoubleProperty, DoublePropertyBase, IntegerBinding, IntegerConstant, IntegerExpression, IntegerProperty, IntegerPropertyBase, LongBinding, LongExpression, LongProperty, LongPropertyBase, NumberExpressionBase, ReadOnlyDoubleProperty, ReadOnlyIntegerProperty, ReadOnlyIntegerPropertyBase, ReadOnlyLongProperty, SimpleDoubleProperty, SimpleIntegerProperty, SimpleLongProperty, StyleableIntegerProperty

public interface ObservableNumberValue extends ObservableValue<Number>
A common interface of all sub-interfaces of ObservableValue that wrap a number.
JavaFX 2.0
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • intValue

      int intValue()
      Returns the value of this ObservableNumberValue as an int . If the value is not an int, a standard cast is performed.
      The value of this ObservableNumberValue as an int
    • longValue

      long longValue()
      Returns the value of this ObservableNumberValue as a long . If the value is not a long, a standard cast is performed.
      The value of this ObservableNumberValue as a long
    • floatValue

      float floatValue()
      Returns the value of this ObservableNumberValue as a float. If the value is not a float, a standard cast is performed.
      The value of this ObservableNumberValue as a float
    • doubleValue

      double doubleValue()
      Returns the value of this ObservableNumberValue as a double. If the value is not a double, a standard cast is performed.
      The value of this ObservableNumberValue as a double