Class TimelineClipCore


public class TimelineClipCore extends Object
An instance of ClipCore handles the core part of a clip. The functionality to react on a pulse-signal from the timer is implemented in two classes: ClipEnvelope and ClipCore. ClipEnvelope is responsible for the "loop-part" (keeping track of the number of cycles, handling the direction of the clip etc.). ClipCore takes care of the inner part (interpolating the values, triggering the action-functions, ...) Both classes have an abstract public definition and can only be created using the factory method create(). The intend is to provide a general implementation plus eventually some fast-track implementations for common use cases.
  • Constructor Details

    • TimelineClipCore

      public TimelineClipCore(Timeline timeline)
  • Method Details

    • setKeyFrames

      public Duration setKeyFrames(Collection<KeyFrame> keyFrames)
      Changes the keyframes.
    • notifyCurrentRateChanged

      public void notifyCurrentRateChanged()
    • abort

      public void abort()
      This method is called if while visiting a keyframe of a timeline the time or rate are changed, or if the timeline is stopped. In these cases visiting the keyframes must be aborted.
    • jumpTo

      public void jumpTo(long ticks, boolean forceJump)
    • start

      public void start(boolean forceSync)
    • playTo

      public void playTo(long ticks)
      Called to visit all keyframes within a specified time-interval.