Class WindowPeerListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PopupWindowPeerListener, StagePeerListener

public class WindowPeerListener extends Object implements TKStageListener
Listener for the Stage Peer to pass updates and events back to the stage.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    changedAlwaysOnTop(boolean aot)
    The stages peer has changed it's "always on top" flag.
    changedFocused(boolean focused, FocusCause cause)
    The stages peer focused state has changed.
    changedFullscreen(boolean fs)
    The stages peer has changed its full screen status
    changedIconified(boolean iconified)
    The stages peer has become iconified or uniconified
    changedLocation(float x, float y)
    The stages peer's location have changed so we need to update the scene
    changedMaximized(boolean maximized)
    The stages peer has become maximized or unmaximized
    changedResizable(boolean resizable)
    The stages peer has become resizable or nonresizable
    The stage's peer has moved to another screen.
    changedSize(float width, float height)
    The stages peer's size have changed so we need to update the scene
    Called if the stages peer has closed.
    Called if the window is closing do to something that has happened on the peer.
    Focus grab has been reset for the stage peer.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • WindowPeerListener

      public WindowPeerListener(Window window)
  • Method Details

    • changedLocation

      public void changedLocation(float x, float y)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer's location have changed so we need to update the scene
      Specified by:
      changedLocation in interface TKStageListener
      x - the new X
      y - The new Y
    • changedSize

      public void changedSize(float width, float height)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer's size have changed so we need to update the scene
      Specified by:
      changedSize in interface TKStageListener
      width - The new Width
      height - The new Height
    • changedFocused

      public void changedFocused(boolean focused, FocusCause cause)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer focused state has changed.
      Specified by:
      changedFocused in interface TKStageListener
      focused - True if the stage's peer now contains the focus
      cause - The cause of (de)activation
    • changedIconified

      public void changedIconified(boolean iconified)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer has become iconified or uniconified
      Specified by:
      changedIconified in interface TKStageListener
      iconified - True if the stage's peer is now iconified
    • changedMaximized

      public void changedMaximized(boolean maximized)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer has become maximized or unmaximized
      Specified by:
      changedMaximized in interface TKStageListener
      maximized - True if the stage's peer is now maximized
    • changedResizable

      public void changedResizable(boolean resizable)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer has become resizable or nonresizable
      Specified by:
      changedResizable in interface TKStageListener
      resizable - True if the stage's peer is now resizable
    • changedFullscreen

      public void changedFullscreen(boolean fs)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer has changed its full screen status
      Specified by:
      changedFullscreen in interface TKStageListener
      fs - True if the stage's peer is now full screen, false otherwise
    • changedAlwaysOnTop

      public void changedAlwaysOnTop(boolean aot)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stages peer has changed it's "always on top" flag.
      Specified by:
      changedAlwaysOnTop in interface TKStageListener
    • changedScreen

      public void changedScreen(Object from, Object to)
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      The stage's peer has moved to another screen.
      Specified by:
      changedScreen in interface TKStageListener
      from - An object that identifies the old screen (may be null)
      to - An object that identifies the new screen
    • closing

      public void closing()
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      Called if the window is closing do to something that has happened on the peer. For example the user clicking the close button or choosing quit from the application menu on a mac or right click close on the task bar on windows.
      Specified by:
      closing in interface TKStageListener
    • closed

      public void closed()
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      Called if the stages peer has closed. For example the platform closes the window after user has clicked the close button on its parent window.
      Specified by:
      closed in interface TKStageListener
    • focusUngrab

      public void focusUngrab()
      Description copied from interface: TKStageListener
      Focus grab has been reset for the stage peer. Called after a previous call to
      invalid @link
      when the grab is reset either by user action (e.g. clicking the titlebar of the stage), or via a call to
      invalid @link
      Specified by:
      focusUngrab in interface TKStageListener