Class Identity


public final class Identity extends BaseTransform
  • Constructor Details

    • Identity

      public Identity()
  • Method Details

    • isIdentity

      public boolean isIdentity()
      Description copied from class: BaseTransform
      This constant indicates that the transform defined by this object performs an arbitrary conversion of the input coordinates. If this transform can be classified by any of the above constants, the type will either be the constant TYPE_IDENTITY or a combination of the appropriate flag bits for the various coordinate conversions that this transform performs.
      Specified by:
      isIdentity in class BaseTransform
      See Also:
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
      • invalid @see
    • isTranslateOrIdentity

      public boolean isTranslateOrIdentity()
      Specified by:
      isTranslateOrIdentity in class BaseTransform
    • is2D

      public boolean is2D()
      Specified by:
      is2D in class BaseTransform
    • transform

      public void transform(float[] srcPts, int srcOff, float[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts)
      Specified by:
      transform in class BaseTransform
    • transform

      public BaseBounds transform(BaseBounds bounds, BaseBounds result)
      Specified by:
      transform in class BaseTransform